Lori L. Lake Presents
The Hall of Fame

Jenifer Levin

Stylist Extraordinaire


As I was finishing my last year at college in 1982-83, a book called WATER DANCER fell into my hands somehow - I don't even remember how - but the smooth, lyrical prose captivated me. The fact that the book was set in the world of competitive athletics and involved some very scarred human beings made it all the more compelling. I saw how Levin used the sport of swimming as a thematic backdrop - almost as another character - in bringing to life compelling characters, both male and female.

At that time, there was no Internet, no way to find out more about an author, and for years as I prowled feminist bookstore shelves, I kept my eye open for the name Jenifer Levin. It wasn't until 1993 that I was thrilled to find THE SEA OF LIGHT featured as a Book Club selection. If I had thought WATER DANCER was good, I truly had my socks knocked off by this book, once again set in the world of swimming. THE SEA OF LIGHT is a book I return to every few years. The prose is lovely, and the struggles of the characters, particularly Babe, haunt and engage me still.

Little did I know that in between these two books Levin wrote two mainstream novels, neither of which I have read. In 1996 she also published a book of short stories. It's my hope that she continues to write about women and lesbians. Though I have not read the three books below, I plan to track them down, and I have a hunch I will be keeping the two to the right forever.


If you know of a website address or email addy for Jenifer Levin, please let me know. Email: Lori

Water Dancer

The Sea of Light

Snow (1984)

The Brothers (1988)

Love and Death
& Other Disasters: Stories(1996)

Lover (1987)

This site updated at 9:00 p.m. on November 2, 2008

All contents of this web page, some of which are owned by
Jenifer Levin and/or her publishers, are protected by U.S. and
International copyright laws. No infringement of copyright laws
is intended by the spotlighting of these books in honor of the author.
Please contact lori@lorillake.com if you have questions.